Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Student Success Statement
“Obedience sums up our entire duty”
Hosea Ballou.
Reflection:Hosea Ballou (April 30, 1771-June 7, 1852) was the most influential of the preachers in the second generation of the Universalist movement. His book, A Treatise on Atonement, radically altered the thinking of his colleagues in the ministry and their congregations. He was born on April 30, 1771, the eleventh child of Maturin and Lydia Ballou. The Ballous had migrated from Rhode Island to Richmond, in southwestern New Hampshire, where Maturin farmed and preached to a Calvinistic Baptist congregation. Lydia died when Hosea was two years old. Hosea's education was meager, his father teaching him the rudiments. He then studied for a short time at a local school formed by the Friends, and later for a few months at the Chesterfield Academy.

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