Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A. De  esta clase me guesta todo,como hacemos todoy como aprendemos.

B.yo creo que la clase esta bien haci como esta.

C. si, yo trato de hacer lo mas que puedo y trato de entender.

D. si, yo leo y escribo todas mis metas.

E. yo si quiero ser una persona que escoja lo que esta bien

F. boy a portarme bien y tratar de hacer las cosas bien.
Interdisciplinary Unit Experience

En mi proyecto yo y mi grupo trabajamos juntos para conseguir toda la informaciaon que necesitabamos, despues que encontramos toda la informacion que queriamos creamos nuestro power point y estudiamos que teniamos que decir  despues lo precentamos ala clase para ver cuales eran nuestros errores lo corregimos lo revisamos otraves y estudiamos cada uno de nosotros nos aprendimos nuestras partes estudiamos todos los dias y asta que se llego el dia, mi grupo y yo nos juntamos en el salon que nos mandaron y ahi estudiamos por ultima vez. nuetro proyecto se trato de el asma teniamos que explicar la emfermedad de asma, a mi metocaron los cintomas y yo dige que cuando tienes asma los cintomas son un sonido decorta respirasin cuando toses, respiracion corta y el pacho se siente pesado o amarado.
Student Success Statement

"when i do good, 
i feel good.
when i do bad,
i feel bad."

Abraham Lincoln

  1. me siento bien cuando ayudo a alguen  a hacer algo que nesesita ayuda 
  2. me siento bien cuando no digo mentiras 
  3. ma siento mal cuando miro a alguie que nesescita ayuda y no puedo ayudarlo
  4. me siento mal cuando hago algo mal

Monday, December 15, 2014

You Are in Charge

"Take responsibility
for your own body,
mind,and spirit,for
your own physical,
spiritual well-

Mr. Haymore


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Student Success Statement

"We need the courage to start and 
continue what we should do, and the 
courage to stop what we shouldn't do."

Richard L. Evans

Reflection: el senor esta diciendo que nesesitamos corage para hacer algo y tambien para terminarlo . yo creo que esso esta bien por que algunas personas no tienen el corage para hacer algo.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

El video se tratade un nino que estaba con su familia en el desierto y decidio ir a caminar su mama le dijo que se pusiera sus sapatos pero el quiso ponerse sus  chanclas y fue a caminar y cuando iba caminando le pico un alacran y lo tubieron que llebar al hospital.

REFLECTION; Del video yo aprendi que siempre tienes que hacer lo que estabien por qu eesi haces lo que no te dicen estan escojiendo lo que esta malcomop el nino que decidio ponerse sus chanclas para caminar en el desierto y despues le pico un alacran.
Student Success Statement
“Always do right.”

Mark Twain

Friday, December 5, 2014

When you Tell One Lie it leads to Another
Paul Hatch
When you tell one lie, it leads to another
So you tell two lies to cover each other
Then you tell three lie and, Oh Brother,
You’re in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies so folks won’t suspect
Then you tell six lie and you’ll collect
A life filled with worries and fears
'Cause you can't remember how many lies you've told
And half the things you say aren't true
And sometime you'll slip up, you'll trip up and then
Whatever will become of you?
So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the whole wide world will know you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!

When you lie, you're closing the door On everything good
Student Success Statement

"When you Tell One Lie,
it leads to Another"

Paul Hatch

Always speak the truth

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Student Success Statement
The 3 Question:
1. Can people trust me to do
 what's right? 
2. Am I committed to doing 
my very best?
3.Do I treat people the way 
I want to be treated?


Diagnostic Radiologist
Duties and responsibilities: Radiologists use medical imaging technologies, such as X-rays, CT scans and MRIs, to diagnose and make treatment decisions regarding patients' health problems. Radiologists are fully licensed physicians who complete at least eleven years of higher education, which includes an undergraduate degree program, Doctor of Medicine program and a residency. Additionally, all medical doctors must be licensed to practice. Many choose to become certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Salary: $380,722
Education: Aspiring diagnostic radiologists complete a 4-year bachelor's degree program. Then they must complete four years of medical school followed by several years of residency training in radiology. After completing medical school, diagnostic radiologists in all states must pass a licensing exam. Diagnostic radiologists with sufficient education and experience can apply for American Board of Radiology certification either in the field itself or in four sub-specialties: pediatric radiology; vascular and interventional radiology; neuroradiology; and nuclear radiology. Board certification requires passing oral and written core examinations
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Reflection: I will like to be this because is interesting.

Monday, December 1, 2014


En el dia de gracias yo estube en mi casa comiendo con mi familia mi mama y mis hermanas prepararon el pabo despue que ya estaba cocinado todos comimos ydespues de comer estubimos platicando cuando era la noche nos fuimos a dormir y al dia siguiente mis hermano y yo fuimos a la playa yusamos nuestras vicicletas, el sabado fuimos a comprar ropa en walmart y aller estubimos en la casa . 
Student Success Statement

Physical fitness

"Physical fitness is not  only one of the 
most important keys to a healthy body,
it is the basis of  dynamic and creative 
intellectual activity . The  relationship
between the soundness of the body and
the activities of the mind is subtle and 
complex.Much is not yet understood.
but we do know what the Greeks 
knew:that intelligence and skill can
only function at the peak of their 
capacity when the body is healthy and 

president John F.Kennedy
Duties and responsibilities: Some of the factors that damage the skin are stress, fluctuating hormone levels, too much sun exposure, unhealthy lifestyle, underlying medical conditions, and aging. Cosmetic dermatologists offer consultation, diagnosis, and treatment to patients who are interested in improving their skin condition. The procedures and services that cosmetic dermatologists use - such as Botox injections, laser hair removal, skin tightening, chemical peels, sclerotherapy, collagen fillers, and microdermabrasion - may lead to revitalized, blemish-free skin. There are also cosmetic dermatologists who specialize in areas such as hair loss, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), or laser tattoo removal.
Salary: $202,468.
Education: Dermatologists treat diseases and conditions of the skin, as well as nails, hair, mucous membranes and genitalia. These can be anything from an innocuous skin rash to a persistent sexually transmitted disease or a potentially lethal cancer. Becoming a dermatologist typically takes 12 years of education and training.
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Reflection: I don’t want to be this.