Online Research
I choose special
weapons and tactics
SWAT responds upon the request of the Incident Commander
(IC) to barricade/hostage episodes, and/or suicide intervention, as well as
initiate service of high risk warrants for all Department entities.
The Incident Commander shall request SWAT when at a
barricaded or hostage incident when the suspect is probably armed; the suspect
is believed to have been involved in a criminal act or is a significant threat
to the lives and safety of the public and/or police; the suspect is in a
position of advantage, affording cover and concealment or is contained in an
open area and the presence or approach of police officers could precipitate an
adverse reaction by the suspect; and, the suspect refuses to submit to arrest.
Since 1967, the Los Angeles Police Department’s Special
Weapons And Tactics Team (SWAT) has provided a ready response to situations
that were beyond the capabilities of normally equipped and trained Department
personnel. Since its inception, LAPD SWAT Team members have affected the safe
rescue of numerous hostages, arrested scores of violent suspects and earned
hundreds of commendations and citations, including several Medals of Valor, the
Department’s highest award for heroism in the line of duty. Today, the LAPD
SWAT Team is known worldwide as one of the foremost police tactical units in
contemporary law enforcement. The need
for SWAT expertise and assistance with warrant service is dependent upon:
unusual circumstances beyond the capabilities of normal warrant service;
heavily fortified location; weapons are present and have been used in the past;
gang members are known to be present; use of diversionary tactics is
anticipated; and, door and window pulls are anticipated.
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