Thursday, October 30, 2014

Craniosacral Therepy
Duties and responsibilities: I learned about craniosacral therapy when I was in massage school. We were given a brief introductory to the technique and I found it incredibly frustrating and annoying. I really struggled to feel what everyone else in my class was so enthralled with. My original plan was to specialize in sports massage, however once I completed massage school and got licensed I decided to take a level 1 training in craniosacral therapy and during that training, I got it and fell completely in love with it. I haven’t looked back since. - Salary: $45,000 – $75,000
Education: There are a variety of schools that offer training in craniosacral, some programs take place over 2-3 years. Typically there is a series of multiple classes with each class lasting 4-5 days long. In order to complete certification (not a requirement but certainly an indication of competence) an average of 6-10 trainings need to be completed as well as a minimum number of treatment sessions. Familiarity with various anatomical structures is helpful and good people skills are important. A passion for learning is also essential.
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Reflection: yo no quiero ser es por que no estoy interesada en este tipo de carera.

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