Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Secret agent

Duties and Responsibilities: The United States Secret Service is mandated by statute and executive order to carry out two significant missions: protection and criminal investigations. During the course of their careers, special agents carry out assignments in both of these areas and must be available to be assigned to duty stations anywhere in the world.
Salary: $116,600
Education:Be a U.S. Citizen. Be between the ages of 21 and less than 37 at the time of appointment. Possess a current valid driver's license. Possess visual acuity no worse than 20/60 uncorrected, correctable to 20/20 in each eye. Lasik, ALK, RK and PRK are acceptable corrective eye surgeries for special agent applicants. Applicants will be considered eligible for the special agent position provided specific visual tests are passed three months after Lasik surgery and six months after all other surgeries. To qualify at the GL-7 level you must: Possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with superior academic. achievement. Superior academic achievement is defined as meeting at least one of the following requirements: Being in the upper third of your graduating class. Having a grade point average of 3.0 or higher out of a possible 4.0, based on four years of undergraduate education or based on courses completed during the final two years of curriculum
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Reflection: I want to be this because I like this.